A quick demo to display how to handle versioning with maven
In order to get this setup you clone this repository into your own github account. Then you follow the description here to set your ssh keys up for github.
When this is done you should be able to push new changes using ssh and that's required to push the new release.
In the build section of the pom.xml file add this code snippet:
To create a package of your build
mvn package
To prepare a build and create a new release tag on github
mvn -B release:prepare
If you omit the -B (--batch-mode) flag, then you will enter into interactive mode. This is usually ok, but if you intend to integrate with a build CI/CD system such as Jenkins or Teamcity, you probably need to go batch mode.
To perform the actual release and get the source, javadoc and jar-with-dependencies
mvn release:perform