You are running the solution on Linux with Python 3 installed, and a Python 3 virtualenv created and activated: E.g.
virtualenv -p python3 solution
. ./solution/bin/activate
This code depends on version 2.x of Django. To install requirements and also import the datafiles associated with the challenge run:
make install
Note that as SQLITE was used to minimise configuration requirements the data import takes several minutes
Before running the project for the first time, you can run the entire suite of unit tests to verify the solution is installed correctly:
make test
The solution uses Django to provide a REST api. To fire up Django's build in server:
make run
You can then use the URLs described below from a web-browser, cURL etc to interact with the solution
Enter a url in the following format:<company_id>
Where <company_id> can be either the numeric ID (index) or case-sensitive name (spaces represented as %20) of the company
Enter a url in the following format:<person1_id>/<person2_id>?eye_colour=[BR|BL|GR|GY|AL|OT]&is_alive=[True|False]
- <person1_id> and <person2_id> can be either the numeric ID (index) or case-sensitive name (spaces represented as %20) of the person
- The eye_colour codes are:
Code | Colour |
BR | Brown |
BL | Blue |
GR | Green |
GY | Grey |
AL | Albino |
OT | Other |
Note that you can query the friends in common of any number of people. So for example to query the friends in common of people with ID's 3, 77 & 100 you would do this:
In addition you can query any field available on a Person object. So if you wanted to find all friends in common between Henderson Petty and Claire Kline who were female:
Enter a url in the following format:<person_id>
Where <person_id> can be either the numeric ID (index) or case-sensitive name (spaces represented as %20) of the person