Django-Start is the initial starting point of the Django API project, which is implemented based on the Django-Styleguide structure. Just clone it from Github and develop your project.
- Docker for develop environment
- Docker for production environment, using nginx
- Postgresql database implemented on hub.docker (docker_django)
- Implementation of requirements in the development and production environment and implemented on the hub.docker (docker_django)
- View docker_django on GitHub
- Defining the storage space for static files, media and database in secure layers
- Complete separation of the initial project implementation environment and project files
- Implementation of the pytest structure in the project
Find out what you need to know about Django-Styleguide here.
1- Download from GitHub
git clone
2- Create your .env
cd django_start/src
cp .env.example .env
cd ..
3- Spin off docker compose
- on developer
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
- on production
docker-compose -f up