Color themes for the excellent SubEthaEdit text/code editor.
Based on the styles that ship with SubEthaEdit, the style sheet format docs, and the syntax scope style guide.
Blueby++ | J-Squared Dark | J-Squared Light |
Clone this repo, then:
/Library/Application Support/de.codingmonkeys.SubEthaEdit.Mac/Styles"
for sss in *.sss; do
if [[ ! -e "$styles_dir/$sss" ]]; then
cp "$(pwd -P)/$sss" "$styles_dir/$sss"
In SubEthaEdit, open Preferences and select the Styles tab.
In the dropdown at the top of the dialog, select Default (the top value), or a specific mode.
Select the "Custom style sheet" radio button, then the desired style in the dropdown to its right.