👋 Welcome to my portfolio, Jakexia.com
This is an on-going project where I showcase some of the personal stuff that I've been exploring. I built this website mostly out of interest after a four-month coop doing front-end web development. It was built entirely from scratch (no bootstrap here!) and designed to be light-weight, easily digestible, with an emphasis on UI/UX design. I had a lot of fun with this one, please check it out!
- Mobile Friendly
- Interactive
- Parallax (but non-intrusive I hope)
- Dark mode
I tried interacting with my website for the first time using a mouse and quickly found that the exporlation section was very difficult to navigate. On a trackpad, two finger side scroll and on touch-enabled devices, a simple swipe gesture was enough for horizontal scolling. However, this is not the case with a mouse.
The solution I came up with was a scroll bar, but I didn't like how plain existing scroll bars were so I set out to create my own. Building this was more involved than I thought but now mouse users can simply click to where they want to go, and the scrolling will take effect!
Here it is in action
This design was insipred by audio spectrum visualizers (those bopping bars).
I had to make this physical prototype to get the concept down (as well as the calculations).