(Unified Complex Network and RecurreNce
analysis toolbox) is a fully object-oriented Python package for the advanced
analysis and modeling of complex networks. Above the standard measures of
complex network theory such as degree, betweenness and clustering coefficient
it provides some uncommon but interesting statistics like Newman's random
walk betweenness. pyunicorn
features novel node-weighted (node splitting
invariant) network statistics as well as measures designed for analyzing
networks of interacting/interdependent networks.
Moreover, pyunicorn
allows to easily construct networks from uni- and
multivariate time series and event data (functional (climate) networks and
recurrence networks). This involves linear and nonlinear measures of time
series analysis for constructing functional networks from multivariate data
(e.g. Pearson correlation, mutual information, event synchronization and event
coincidence analysis). pyunicorn
also features modern techniques of
nonlinear analysis of single and pairs of time series such as recurrence
quantification analysis (RQA), recurrence network analysis and visibility
Please acknowledge and cite the use of this software and its authors when results are used in publications or published elsewhere. You can use the following reference:
J.F. Donges, J. Heitzig, B. Beronov, M. Wiedermann, J. Runge, Q.-Y. Feng, L. Tupikina, V. Stolbova, R.V. Donner, N. Marwan, H.A. Dijkstra, and J. Kurths, Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package, Chaos 25, 113101 (2015), doi:10.1063/1.4934554, Preprint: [].
The development of pyunicorn
has been supported by various funding sources,
notably the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (projects GOTHAM and CoSy-CC2),
the Leibniz Association
(projects ECONS and DominoES), the
German National Academic Foundation,
and the Stordalen Foundation via the
Planetary Boundary Research Network ( among
is BSD-licensed (3 clause).
Stable releases, Development version
For extensive HTML documentation, jump right to the pyunicorn homepage. Recent PDF versions are also available.
On a local development version, HTML and PDF documentation can be generated
using Sphinx
$> pip install --user -e . $> cd docs; make clean html latexpdf
is written in Python 3.7. The software is written and tested
on Linux. It should work on other systems but installation might be more complicated
(see instructions below). pyunicorn
relies on the following open source or freely
available packages which have to be installed on your machine.
- Required:
- Numpy 1.14+
- Scipy 1.0+
- igraph, python-igraph 0.7+
- Cython 0.27+ (for compiling code during development)
- Optional (used only in certain classes and methods):
- PyNGL (for class NetCDFDictionary)
- netcdf4-python (for classes Data and NetCDFDictionary)
- Matplotlib 2.0+
- Matplotlib Basemap Toolkit (for drawing maps)
- mpi4py (for parallelizing costly computations)
- Sphinx (for generating documentation)
, Scipy
, Matplotlib
, igraph
and other packages should be
available via a package management system on Linux or MacOSX. All packages can
be downloaded, compiled and installed following the instructions on their
An easy way to go may be a Python distribution like Anaconda that already includes many libraries.
Before the installation of pyunicorn
we recommend that you make sure that
the required dependencies are installed. Afterwards, the package can be installed
following the instructions below.
On Linux pyunicorn
can simply be installed via the Python Package Index:
$> pip3 install pyunicorn
To install pyunicorn
on Fedora OS, use:
$> dnf install python3-pyunicorn
We did not test the current version of pyunicorn with MacOSX. However, we would expect that the same installation procedure as for Linux systems might work as MacOSX is also UNIX based.
Unfortunately,``pyunicorn`` does not work with the Microsoft Visual Studio C-Compiler but only with the GNU Compiler gcc. The following installation procedure using Anaconda was found to work on a Windows 10 machine: Open an Anaconda prompt and install the Minimalist GNU Compiler Toolchain by typing:
$> conda install libpython m2w64-toolchain -c msys2
Download the zip-files of pyunicorn
from the repository. Open the file
pyunicorn/core/_ext/numerics.pyx and exchange "srand48()" with "srand()" and
"drand48()" with "rand()". Finally, install pyunicorn
$> python install
Before committing changes to the code base, please make sure that all tests pass. The test suite is managed by tox and configured to use system-wide packages when available. Thus to avoid frequent waiting, we recommend you to install the current versions of the following packages:
$> pip install networkx matplotlib basemap Sphinx $> pip install tox pylint pytest pytest-xdist pytest-flake8
The test suite can be run from anywhere in the project tree by issuing:
$> tox
To expose the defined test environments and target them independently:
$> tox -l $> tox -e units,style
To test individual files:
$> py.test tests/test_core/ # unit tests $> py.test --doctest-modules pyunicorn/core/ # doctests $> py.test --flake8 pyunicorn/core/ # style $> pylint pyunicorn/core/ # code analysis
Not implemented yet.