One common architecture for information systems that includes a user interface and persistent storage of data is known as the three-tier architecture. A classic description of the vertical tiers is:
Presentation - windows, reports, and so on.
Application Logic - tasks and rules which govern the process.
Storage - persistent storage mechanism.
The singular quality of a three-tier architecture is the separation of the application logic into a distinct logical middle tier of software. The presentation tier is relatively free of application processing; windows forward task requests to the middle tier. The middle tier communicates with the back-end storage layer.
Commands used
sudo docker build –t <image name> <path>
Used to build an image sudo docker build –t frontend .
sudo docker [commands] run
-p : :- port mapping
--name :- Name of the Container
--network :- name of network
-it :- interactive mode
-d :- deattached mode
sudo docker rmi <image name>
-f :- forcefully delete the image
sudo docker-compose up
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker rm <container name>
-f :- forcefully delete the container
sudo systemctl restart docker
Used to restart the docker
sudo docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}} <container name/id>
to know the ip address of container
sudo docker network create [options] network
docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network
sudo docker network connect <network name> <container name>
sudo docker network inspect <network name>
mysql –h <ip address> -u <user name> -p <password(if any)>