Various tools to read and send data to a middleware
- vzspool is used as a spooling relay by the other 2vz tools. Right now it's just a perl script, but I'l re-implement it in C (like the others)
- d0vz reads D0 meters
- ev2vzs uses Linux' input event subsystem to get S0 impules with a proper time resolution
- thz2vzs reads operational data from (some) Stiebel Eltron and Tecalor heat pumps (THZ/LWZ 304 and 404)
create an unprivileged user "vz"
# useradd -d /var/spool/vz -r vz
create the log and spool directories
# mkdir -p /var/log/vz /var/spool/vz
# chown vz: /var/log/vz /var/spool/vz
customize configuration
# mkdir /etc/vz
# cp vzspool/vzspool.conf /etc/vz
# vi /etc/vz/vzspool.conf
build and install the tools you want
# cp vzspool/vzspool /usr/local/bin
# cd d0
# make
# (t.b.c.)
setup startup. I provided service files for systemd (I use Fedora and that's just how you do it there), but SysV init scripts should not be too hard to create, though.
# cp vzspool/vzspool.service /etc/systemd/system/
start the services you want
# systemctl start vzspool # systemctl start d0vz # ...
check logfile
# less /var/log/vz/vz.log
(optional) set up logrote. The log may grow quite fast (esp. with S0 input), so daily rotation is reasonable
# cp vz.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vz