Configure your logger in in your NODE_PATH:
exports.logging = {
'default': [
{file: 'logs/app.log', level: 'debug'},
{file: 'stdout', level: 'warn'}]
'foo': [
{file: 'logs/foo.log', level: 'debug'},
{forward: 'default'}]
'access': [
{file: 'logs/access.log', formatter: null}]
logger = require('nogg').logger('')
logger.debug('this is a debug message') # logs to logs/foo.log and logs/app.log
logger.error('this is an error') # logs to logs/foo.log, logs/app.log, and stdout
require('nogg').log 'bar.baz', 'debug', 'this is a debug message' # logs to logs/app.log (matches 'default')
require('nogg').warn 'bar', 'this is a warning' # logs to logs/app.log and stdout
- The 'default' and 'foo' are "log routes". You must define the 'default' route.
- Each log route has N handlers.
- Log route are "dot aware", so log messages to "" will match the "foo" route unless "" happens to be defined.
- Messages do not propagate up (ala log4j).
- stdout messages are in color.
- You can turn off formatting/color for a handler with formatter: null.
npm install nogg
- Real log formatting
- Connect module for request logging
npm link .
maybe as sudo, to link this project directory globally.
cake build
to build src/.coffee to lib/
cake test
to build and run a test script