$ npm install pg
$ npm install pg-rxjs
const pg = require('pg-rxjs')
// Default config: { debug: false, noMoment: false }
// 'debug' option console.logs statements that pg will execute
const pool = pg.Pool('postgres://username:password@localhost/database', {...config})
.query('SELECT ...')
.subscribe(data => ..., err => ..., end => ...)
.stream('SELECT ...')
.map(data => ...) // runs for each row streamed from the query
.subscribe(data => ..., err => ..., end => ...)
const pg = require('pg-rxjs')
const client = pg.Client('postgres://username:password@localhost/database', {...config})
const query = client.query; // methods are already bound to the client
query('SELECT ...')
.subscribe(data => ..., err => ..., end => ...)
// Using Rx chaining
query('SELECT $1 as count', 42).
.map(result => result.rows[0].count)
.flatMap(count => query('SELECT $1 as count_again', [count]))
.subscribe(data => console.log( data.rows[0].count_again ))
- Transactions (\w auto-rollback) supports only waterfall queuing
Warning: Pool.transaction has a different API that is in the works.
var transaction = client.transaction; // btw, methods do not rely on 'this'
var query = client.query;
// use the query method
query('SELECT 2 as count'),
// use Rx chaining
query('SELECT 1 as count')
.map(x => 'success: ' + x.row[0].count)
// or use a raw string to query
'SELECT 3 as count',
// or use a fn: x is the response of the previous query
x => {
assert(x.rows[0].count === 3);
return query('SELECT $1::int as count', [x.rows[0].count+1])
result => {
assert.equal(result.rowCount, 1)
assert.equal(result.rows[0].count, 4)
err => assert.fail('code will auto rollback'),
() => console.log('completed')
- Input time using Moment.js
- Disable by setting opts: pg.Client(url, {noMoment: true})
- Only works with timestamps, not date fields
- Works with transactions and stream methods too
- Moment objects are auto converted to UTC (best practice)
// Use $NOW to insert a timestamp value of the current UTC time
query('SELECT $NOW AS time_now').subscribe(x => ...)
// .. the same as query('SELECT to_timestamp(1452819700) AS time_now')
// Use a moment object to insert a placeholder as a timestamp
// Note: no need to specify the paremeter as a timestamp
const m = moment();
query('SELECT $1 AS time_param, $2::int AS second_param', [m, 42])
.subscribe(result => {
assert.equal(result.rows[0].time_param, m.toDate().toString())
assert.equal(result.rows[0].second_param, 42)