A Python project template repository.
- VS Code .devcontainer configuration that installs commonly used VS Code extensions.
- Dockerfile with Python and the local package with DEV dependencies installed.
- pyproject.toml package configuration with optional DEV and TEST dependency lists.
- Pytest template setup with code coverage reporting.
- Pre-commit hooks configuration with excellent hooks for better code quality and safety.
- Ruff code linting and formatting.
- GitHub Actions configuration for automated testing and building on GitHub.
- GitLab CI/CD configuration for automated testing and building on GitLub.
- .gitignore template modified from GitHub.
- README template from makeareadme.
- LICENSE file.
Clone this repository to your local machine and rename the all the instances of "python_project_template" and "python-project-template" to your project name.
git clone https://github.com/jacoverster/python-project-template
Update the pyroject.toml, README.md, LICENSE, etc.
Create a git repo for your project and add the files to your repo:
git init
git add *
git commit -m "initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://link-to-your-git-repo
git push -u origin main
To run pytest with code coverage
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report