The problem we are trying to solve is to compare the efficiency of different sorting algorithms on large data sets.
Sorted data can be very useful for data analysis. As datasets get larger, getting data into a sorted order can be a challenging/time consuming task. The goal of this project is to analyze which sorting algorithms are fast and efficient when dealing with larger data sets.
The public data set we will be using is the Novel Corona Virus 2019 Dataset that contains data on confirmed cases, recovered cases, and death count for different states, provinces, and countries around the world. The different columns in our dataset include a serial number, observation date, province/state, country/region, Last update time, confirmed, deaths, recovered. Serial number, confirmed, deaths, recovered are all numbers. Observation date and and last update time are date strings. The rest of the data are strings. Link:
To deploy this projects backend, follow these steps from the root directory.
# ~/DSAFinal
cd backend
npm i
After installing the necessary dependencies, you must add your firebase config to a .env file. The following dictates this setup, starting from the root project directory.
# ~/DSAFinal
cd backend
touch .env
Inside of .env paste the following lines:
API_KEY = api key
AUTH_DOMAIN = auth domain
PROJECT_ID = project id
STORAGE_BUCKET = storage bucket
MESSAGING_SENDER_ID = messaging sender id
APP_ID = app id
MEASUREMENT_ID = measurement id
PORT = port number
After the following steps are completed, start the backend
# ~/DSAFinal/backend
npm start
To deploy this projects frontend
# ~/DSAFinal
cd frontend
npm i
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000/ and access the application.
- @jackplo
- @Gnot727
- @domsthatguy