- 👨🎓 I'm currently working toward a PhD in physics at Brigham Young University.
- 👀 I’m interested in coherent diffraction imaging, algorithm development, device interfacing, experiment automation.
- ⌨ I'm pretty good with Python and LaTeX, with a vague grasp of C, C++, Javascript, and a few other languages.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about linguistics in my spare time. Fascinating subject.
- 💞️ I’m open to collaborate on pretty much anything.
- I'm a huge fan of both classic and modern fantasy/sci-fi. From Stoker to Sanderson and Wells to Weir.
- I'm embarrasingly afraid of bees, wasps, and hornets (even though I've never been stung).
- I've never broken a bone, but I have knocked out a few teeth.
- I made an RC car from scratch for my 2-year old. It took me the better part of a summer to design and build it. It took him the better part of 15 minutes to break it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
- I released an EDM album once. I'm proud enough of it to mention it here, but not proud enough to give you the information to go find it.