I`m Full-Stack Developer with several years of experience in web development.
I really like clean code and well-designed architecture. I have hands-on experience in implementing Domain Driven Design and CQRS techniques in real, large projects. I pay a lot of attention to code quality and try to be up-to-date with latest programming trends.
I personally approach programming languages as just tools to get things done. The things that matter most are on a level above language syntax or libraries.
- Techniques I use: DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, TDD, SOLID, Clean Architecture
- Languages I play with: Javascript/Typescript, PHP, SQL, Bash, Java
- Libraries I work with: React, Node.js, Symfony, Laravel, Doctrine
- Tools I know: MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch/Kibana, Docker, Jenkins, RabbitMQ, AWS, Serverless