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Containers for DAaaS

Containers to be used for general purpose Data Science.

Docker Basics and Good Practices

The information below covers some recommended good practices with Docker and provides some links for further reading.

Useful References and Background Reading:

Start from a minimal official docker image

  • Dockerhub has official images that are maintained by the Docker community (e.g. security updates happen in a timely manner).

  • An official base image is usually a great starting point to build off of.

  • Many custom images only slightly extend a common base image (e.g. Nvidia's base images are slight extensions of the ubuntu official base image)

Recommendation: start from a small official base image and build layers ontop of it.

Example steps to add a new image to aaw-contrib-containers

  1. Scan image using a tool like Trivy $ ./trivy image (*best practice*)
  2. Create new branch of StatCan/aaw-contrib-contains
  3. Commit docker file and publish new branch
  4. Allow repo CI, ACR and Artifactory scan to complete
  5. Create pull request (ping us in our Slack space #general)

Scan your containers for vulnerabilities

  • There are lots of tools to do this in an automated way (e.g. trivy)

  • Can build a docker image and scan it as part of a continuous integration pipeline. E.g. a condition to merge to master is that the Dockerfile provided must build successfully and then pass a security scan.

Recommendation: scan images for vulnerabilities, and consider incorporating this process as a job in your CI/CD pipeline.

Order stanzas from least likely to change to most likely to change

  • Each line in your Dockerfile is called a stanza.

  • When you are building an image, Docker is creating and caching an image layer for each stanza in your Dockerfile. Since layers are cached, if you build your image multiple times (e.g. you are changing certain stanzas), Docker can reuse the cached layers to reduce build time.

  • However, any stanzas that come after the changed stanza will be rebuilt and therefore do not benefit from this layer caching that Docker implements.

Recommendation: to take advantage of layer caching and reduce your image build times, it is recommended to put expensive stanzas that don't change often early in your Dockerfile, and put lighter stanzas that do change often at the end. This allows you to avoid rebuilding expensive unchanging layers every time you need to rebuild your image after making a small change (e.g. installing a new Python package).

Handling python packages in Dockerfiles

  • In general it is good practice to use a requirements.txt file in a project and to pin the versions (pandas==1.2.3 rather than just pandas). Requirements files are also useful in constructing more succinct Dockerfiles (RUN pip install -r requirements.txt is briefer than RUN pip install package1 package2 ...)

  • But, sometimes requirements.txt files can cause issues in Dockerfiles. For example, if you have 10 packages that never change but one that is updated frequently, you have the same problem as when you put frequently changed items at the top of a Dockerfile. Sometimes it is appropriate to have requirements_rarely_changing.txt and requirements_frequently_changing.txt (or, perhaps better titles), this way the frequently changing packages can be installed later in the Dockerfile.

Do setup, execute, and cleanup in a single stanza

  • As mentioned above, docker creates image layers based on a single stanza.

  • If you do these steps in 3 separate stanzas, you will create 3 different layers that will all be stacked on your image. This can lead to Docker images that take up a lot more space on disk than they need to.

Good Example:

RUN apt-get -y update && \
    apt-get install git && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Bad Example:

RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install git
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Recommendation: Keep your setup, execute, and cleanup work in a single stanza so that an image layer of minimal size gets created instead of multiple larger layers.

Execute containers as non-root user

  • If the base image doesn't have one, add a non-root user to your container. Don't forget to set USER at the end.

  • By default, many containers are configured to run as root user.

  • This is necessary at build time because we often need to install packages and change configuration settings.

  • When it's time to run the container, however, we should run it as a non-root user (i.e. a less privileged user) by default.

  • Reason for the above is that containers only provide process level virtualization as opposed to true operating system level virtualization. With a virtual machine manager such as VMWare, running as root on the VM doesn't give you access to the host machine. In a container runtime like Docker, however, your container is just a special kind of process on the host machine (spawned from the Docker Daemon on the host). This means it is possible for a malicious container to run as a process with root privileges on the host machine if the container itself is executed as root.

  • Docker provides the USER directive to change the active user (can create a user using the adduser command in linux, see code snippet above).

Recommendation: always set the user to a non-root user at the end of your Dockerfile by default using the USER directive in your Dockerfile.

Do a multi-stage build

There are a couple of key reasons to building an image in this way.

  • Reduced disk footprint - you can use one image to build one or more artifacts, then simply copy the relevant build artifact(s) out of the first image into a second image.

  • Improved Security - You can use a complete image to build your application, then copy your application into a distroless image.

    • A distroless image is a very stripped down image that contains only your applications and its runtime dependencies (e.g. a Python image might contain a python interpreter in a virtual environment)
    • This implies that there are no shells, package managers, or other programs you would expect to find on a standard Linux distribution).
    • Improves security because there is much less attack surface area (i.e. there are fewer ways an attacker can perform a malicious act on a distroless image).

Recommendation: consider using a multistage build to reduce disk footprint, and, if applicable, consider copying your applications/build artifacts to a distroless image to improve security.

Avoid cache-busting your Dockerfiles

  • Docker tries to avoid building anything it knows has not changed, but it cannot always detect this properly. When in situations where Docker always rebuilds layers unnecessarily, consider breaking your build into multiple images. This way you can put your static content in the first image, then base your final image on that first image (FROM myfirstimage:v123). This way you prevent Docker from trying to decide if your static content needs to be rebuilt (but note, if you do this and your static content does need rebuidling, you need to do that yourself!)

  • Sometimes with python packages Docker will misunderstand whether a requirements.txt has changed, forcing a full reinstall of your python packages even when they are cached. One way around this is to add RUN pip install mySlowPackages==0.1.2 explicitly near the top of the Dockerfile in addition to in your requirements.txt file later in the build. The benefit of this is that those explicit calls to pip are easier for Docker to cache, so they won't be reinstalled as frequently. And even though you do pip install -r requirements.txt later, pip itself will see that your package is already installed and skip it, meaning you save almost as much time as if Docker got the cache correct.

Set build-time variables

  • Docker provides an ARG directive that lets you specify build-time arguments.

  • These build-time arguments don't persist when you launch a container instance from the image (in contrast to the ENV directive that sets environment variables that persist once the image is built).

  • If you declare a build argument with ARG, you can pass --build-arg ARG_NAME=some_value when you run your docker build command to override whatever the default value of that argument is.

  • Example: your image build depends on specific versions of another package you want to install, to make the image reusable, you may want to pass the package version as a build argument so that you can build different versions of the image over time.

  • Example: you might want to set different build-time variables if you are building your image for different hosts (e.g. the URL for a proxy server).

  • See documentation on Docker builds for more information.

Recommendation: where applicable, consider using build-time arguments by using ARG and --build-arg to declare and override build-time arguments.

Lint your Dockerfile

  • There is a tool called hadolint that you can use to lint your Dockerfile.

  • The linter will indicate areas where you can improve your Dockerfile and also provide suggestions.

Recommendation: lint your Dockerfile to improve code quality.

Understand when not to use Alpine-based images

  • A popular minimal image that is used as a base image in the Docker community is the alpine image, which is based off of the Alpine distribution of Linux.

  • This is a very lightweight image that has many use cases, but it may not be a good choice as a base image for data science oriented projects. In particular, for projects with heavy Python dependencies, it may be worth considering an alternative base image.

  • Why?

    • Reason is that most python packages include prebuilt wheels (wheels are a kind of pre-built distribution for python that allow you to avoid the build stage that is normally required with source distributions).
    • Since Alpine is very stripped down compared to other Linux distributions, it has a different version of the standard C library that is required by most C programs (including Python). Specifically, the Alpine image uses the musl implementation of the C standard library instead of glibc implementation.
    • Because of the above, Python wheels generally aren't available for musl, so when you install Python packages on an Alpine based image, you install the source code, which means that all C code in every Python package you use must be compiled.
    • This also means you need to figure out every system library dependency yourself.
  • Bottom Line: If you try to install a bunch of Python packages on an Alpine based image, your build may take longer, be more error prone, and result in a higher disk footprint than if you installed those Python packages on an image based on Debian or another Linux distribution with the full standard C library (glibc).

Recommendation: Depending on your project requirements, if your project contains many Python dependencies, you may want to consider using a Docker image based on Debian or another Linux distribution other than Alpine. Note that this is not an absolute recommendation, as there are other considerations (e.g. security) that can impact the decision of which base image to use. However, you should be aware of the above-mentioned implication of using Alpine images for projects with significant Python dependencies.

Background reading for those interested:


Containers to be used for general purpose Data Science







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