WIP – currently under investigation!
Use extended markdown syntax to simulate org-agenda
from emacs.
For motivation and/or more information about mdexpr
syntax visits
jaandrle/mdexpr: Use extended markdown syntax inspired by Org mode from emacs..
This README.md dokument uses it! See section Roadmap.
By calling mdexpr-agenda README.md
on 2022-09-01 you see in terminal:
————— —————— FUTURE ————————————————————————————————— ——————
#1 + NEXT 2022-09-05 2022-09-10 - [ ] recurring dates phase1
#2 + NEXT 2022-09-05 2022-09-10 - [ ] remove limitation for first founded file phase1
#3 + NEXT 2022-09-10 2022-09-10 - [ ] recurring dates phase1
#4 + NEXT 2022-09-10 2022-09-10 - [ ] remove limitation for first founded file phase1
#5 + NEXT 2022-09-10 2022-09-10 ### CLI phase1
#6 + TODO 2022-09-24 - ### VIM phase1
#7 + TODO tbd - ### ? Synchronization with calendars (google) phase2
To allow {… agenda}$
you must use elsewhere in document (e. g. end of the file):
<summary>`{… cmd}$` explanation</summary>
This is [mdexpr](https://github.com/jaandrle/mdexpr) syntax. This document uses:
- {use [agenda](https://github.com/jaandrle/mdexpr-agenda) with states=TODO,NEXT|DONE mdexpr}$
…for explanation visits jaandrle/mdexpr.
The states
provide way to define open (todo) and “done” statuses with todo|done
. It is possible
to define multiple open states for both types separated by commas.
supports both inline and block syntax:
## Agenda title (block)
{STATUS <datetime-reminder> **<datetime-deadline>** *label* agenda}$
- Agenda title (inline) {STATUS <datetime-reminder> **<datetime-deadline>** *label* agenda}$
: this defines open/close status (seestates
above) and it can be used for filtering.<datetime-reminder>
: this supports%Y-%m-%d[ %H:%M][ r…]
syntax ([…]
marks optional part)%Y-%m-%d
stands for date in the form full_year-month-day (month/day should be two digits:01, 02, …, 10, …, 31
stands for time hour:minute (again two digits)r…
stands for recurring date, in the formrNM
positive number/intiger,M
measurement such asd
=day)- dates are limited by
%Y-%m-%d[ %H:%M]
- dates are limited by
- can be used multiple times
: deadline in the form%Y-%m-%d[ %H:%M]
, it is possible to use only one deadline*label*
: this can be used to filtering (TBD), can be used multiple times- for title in block syntax only one line is supported (filtered)
For now experiment!!!
- you need nodejs >=v17.0.1 ⇒ folows nvm-sh/nvm: Node Version Manager1
npm install https://github.com/jaandrle/mdexpr-agenda --global
This is only rough estimate and also syntax test.
{DONE <2022-09-01> phase1 agenda}$
{NEXT <2022-09-10> phase1 agenda}$
- split
{DONE <2022-09-01> phase1 agenda}$ - print agenda items {DONE <2022-09-01 12:00> phase1 agenda}$
- remove limitation for first founded file {NEXT <2022-09-05> <2022-09-10> phase1 agenda}$
- filter options
- dates, states
- labels
- configuration2
- recurring dates {NEXT <2022-09-05> <2022-09-10> phase1 agenda}$
{TODO <2022-09-24> phase1 agenda}$
- simplify changing values2
- helpers for dates
- another helpers
function! s:mdexpr_agenda(file) abort
let c_file= a:file!='%' ? a:file : expand('%')
let s_makeprg= &l:makeprg
let s_errorformat= &l:errorformat
let &l:makeprg= 'mdexpr-agenda '.c_file.' --grep'
let &l:errorformat= '%f:%l:%m'
silent lmake
silent redraw!
let &l:makeprg= s_makeprg
let &l:errorformat= s_errorformat
command -nargs=* MDEXPRagenda if <q-args>!='' | call <sid>mdexpr_agenda(<f-args>) | elseif &filetype=='markdown' | call <sid>mdexpr_agenda('%') | else | call <sid>mdexpr_agenda('*.md') | endif
command MDEXPRclose lclose | lexpr []
" call scommands#map('m', 'MDEXPR', "n") "see https://github.com/jaandrle/vim-scommands
{TODO phase2 agenda}$
`{… cmd}$` explanation
This is mdexpr syntax. This document uses:
- {use agenda with states=TODO,NEXT|DONE mdexpr}$