This application was deployed to AWS (using Docker and CI/CD Integration with Travis) and Heroku services. Here are the links:
- AWS:
- Heroku:
This is a Full Stack MERN application designed to create tickets or work orders. It was created to maximize communication within employees in an organization and also between users and administration in a larger scale environments. Think of an apartment complex where tenants submit tickets to report issues or complaints. With this app, they will get updates from the administrator as the tickets move through the process until it gets resolved.
For a test drive, login as a Resident or Administrator using these credentials:
- Resident - email: / password: 123456
- Admin - email: / password: 123456
This application uses JWT to handle Authentication and Redux to handle React state.
Full MERN stack: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Javascript (ES6), Redux, Reactstrap, JWT, CRUD, Rest API
To install necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
To start using this project:
1. Install node modules for Fron-End and Back-End with: npm install
2. Use a Mongo service like "Mongo Atlas" to create your database and credentials.
3. Create a .env file at the root location of the project to handle the database credentials and JWT secret:
# Database Info
MONGO_URI = "Your Mongo Credentials"
#JWT Secret
JWT_SECRET = "Your JWT Secret"
4. Run the following command to start the application: npm run dev
5. Enjoy..!
If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact jaab30 directly at