A fractol visualization project as part of the core curriculum at 42. It uses multithreading and a custom OpenGL library to calculate and render images.
The current source will compile on MacOS El Capitan, although a zip of the sources for compiling on X11 systems is included.
Not a unique fractal, but an error in the base Julia set that still mutates during zoom and translation, when it normally shouldn't. I kept it in the project as a bonus because it looks hella cool.
Any and all of these can be adjusted live in combination with each other.
- Zoom in/out on a point with mouse scroll.
- Translate x and y with arrow keys.
- Cycle through the current color palette with D and F. (Epilepsy Warning on this feature)
- Change the color palette with A and D.
- Increase and Decrease the number of iterations with left and right click.
- (Julia Type Only) Live recalculate the fractol based on the mouse position.
- (Julia Type Only) Freeze / Resume motion.
- (Sierpinski Only) Display all steps, not just the last iteration.
- My Testwindow project.
- My Gradient Generator.