2016 - ixty
This program allows to build portable, architecture independant shellcode from C code. It currently supports the following architectures:
- x86
- x86_64
- arm
- arm_64
It works by:
- compiling the same C code for each architecture
- linking it to arch specific syscall implementation
- using a polyglot dispatching shellcode
The final layout of the output binary is: [ DISPATCHER ] [ X86 BLOCK ] [ X86_64 BLOCK ] [ ARM BLOCK ] [ ARM_64 BLOCK ]
The dispatcher is in stage0 Open stage0/README for information on how it works
Each arch specific block has the following layout:
[ RELOC 0 ]
[ RELOC 1 ]
[ CODE ]
Open stage1/README for information on loaders
The final payload code is the stage2. Open stage2/README for information on the payload
- python2.7
- nasm
- gcc
- pyelftools (pip install pyelftools)
- qemu-user-static
- qemu-utils
- arm chroot with gcc
- arm64 chroot with gcc
# apt-get install gcc nasm python2.7 python-pip
# apt-get install qemu qemu-user-static qemu-utils binfmt-support debootstrap
# qemu-debootstrap --arch=arm64 jessie /opt/arm64/ http://ftp.debian.org/debian
# qemu-debootstrap --arch=armhf jessie /opt/armhfxx/ http://ftp.debian.org/debian
# chroot /opt/arm64
# apt-get install gcc
# exit
# chroot /opt/armhf
# apt-get install gcc
# exit
$ ./build.py
If everything goes well, it creates ./ouput which is the portable multi-arch shellcode.
To test that everything works, use the provided 'sc' utility:
On the local x86_64 machine
user@x86_64-box $ ./sc_86 ./output
user@x86_64-box $ ./sc_x86_64 ./output
... And in the chroots for arm/arm64
user@armhf-chroot $ ./sc_arm ./output
user@arm64-chroot $ ./sc_arm_64 ./output
Thanks to feliam
The x86 / x86_64 loader code is taken from this project and the shellcode extraction technique is based upon his work aswell.