My modular qtile (0.7)
8 virtual desktops 'a s d f u i o p'
- isRunning(process) - checks if process is running
- executeOnce(process, *args) - executes process if it is not running
- startup() - executes on startup (needs rewriting to startup(process))
- mousePointer() - display a left pointer as mouse
- floating_dialogs(window) - make 'dialog' clients float
- mod+{asdfuiop} - change to the corresponding virtual desktop
- mod,shift+{asdfuiop} - send active client to the corresponding virtual desktop
- mod+{vbnm} - grow, shrink, normalize, maximize the client
- mod,shift+M - flip the panes
- mod+Tab - next layout
- mod,shift+F - toggle floating
- mod+w - kill the active client
- mod+Return - spawn the app.screen()
- mod+c - spawn the app.browser
- mod+x - spawn the dmenu-style cmdline
- mod+z - spawn the app.terminal
- mod+l - lock screen (needs app.LOCKER to be defined) qtile_config.layouts
mod = mod4
iio2 is a python2 connection checker that depends on urllib2
- iio2.isItOnline(reference): check if the reference can be connected (via http 'GET' request)
- iio2.waitForConnection(reference, sleeptime=1, times=10): checks 10 times for the reference to be reachable.
proc handles processes
- proc.isRunning(process): check if process is running
- proc.executeOnce(process): executes process if it was not already started