Menghubungkan Mikrokontroller ESP32 dengan "Backend" Google firebase (realtime database) dan di Tampilkan di Dashboard Bootstrap "Frontend"
- Instal IDE programming ex_ (Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, etc)
- Instal Library ESP32 Board
- Instal Library Firebase
- Configure Firebase Account
- Post Example data to Firebase
- Control LED from Firebase
- Post data Sensor LDR (Analog Sensor) & DHT11 (Digital Sensor)
- Introduction Relay Module 220 V
- Create Frontend using Bootsrap Dashboard
- Upload Frontend to Web Hosting Service
Now, You can Monitor and Control IOT Device from Web Browser using Internet Connection, Happy Makers ^_^
Happy Coding:
#Installing the ESP32 Add-on on Arduino IDE
Before Instalation ESP8266:
- Download Arduino IDE
- (Link Preference ESP32)
After Instalation ESP8266:,