Nyamuk is a python MQTT library, originally based on libmosquitto.
It implements both 3.1 and 3.1.1 versions of MQTT protocol.
Currently only supporting python 2.7
- MQTT v3.1
- MQTT v3.1.1
- Qos 0, 1 & 2 support
- docstring & documentation
- python3 support
- advanced logging
from sources:
$> python setup.py install
using pypi package:
$> pip install nyamuk
Publishing a message with Qos 1 (with MQTT v3.1.1)
import sys
from nyamuk import *
def nloop(client):
client.packet_write() # flush write buffer (messages sent to MQTT server)
client.loop() # fill read buffer (enqueue received messages)
return client.pop_event() # return 1st received message (dequeued)
client = Nyamuk("test_nyamuk", server="test.mosquitto.org")
ret = client.connect(version=4)
ret = nloop(client) # ret should be EventConnack object
if not isinstance(ret, EventConnack) or ret.ret_code != 0:
print 'connection failed'; sys.exit(1)
client.publish('foo/bar', 'this is a test', qos=1)
ret = nloop(client) # ret should be EventPuback
Subscribing a topic
import sys
from nyamuk import *
def nloop(client):
client.packet_write() # flush write buffer (messages sent to MQTT server)
client.loop() # fill read buffer (enqueue received messages)
return client.pop_event() # return 1st received message (dequeued)
client = Nyamuk("test_nyamuk", server="test.mosquitto.org")
ret = client.connect(version=4)
ret = nloop(client) # ret should be EventConnack object
if not isinstance(ret, EventConnack) or ret.ret_code != 0:
print 'connection failed'; sys.exit(1)
client.subscribe('foo/bar', qos=1)
ret = nloop(client)
if not isinstance(ret, EventSuback):
print 'SUBACK not received'; sys.exit(2)
print 'granted qos is', ret.granted_qos[0]
while True:
evt = nloop(client)
if isinstance(evt, EventPublish):
print 'we received a message: {0} (topic= {1})'.format(evt.msg.payload, evt.msg.topic)
# received message is either qos 0 or 1
# in case of qos 1, we must send back PUBACK message with same packet-id
if evt.msg.qos == 1:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Original creator: Iwan B. Kusnanto
Current maintainer: Guillaume Bour
Nyamuk is distributed under BSD license