Project for Basics of Computer Graphics course at FCSE. It is a striped down version of Polythonic/Glitter project that includes:
- GLAD as OpenGL Function Loader
- GLFW for Windowing and Input
- GLM for OpenGL Mathematics
- stb for images and texture loading
Recursively clone the repository:
git clone --recursive
If you are using an IDE that supports CMake builds (QtCreator, Jetbrains CLion, Visual Studio), open the cloned directory as project (the directory OpenGLPrj
with the CMakeLists.txt
We recomend using out of source builds.
Project files can be generated using the following steps:
Create a folder for the project build (e.g. build). It can be in the same level/directory as the OpenGLPrj. The hierarchy should be as depicted
| |-- build/ |-- OpenGLPrj/
Using CMake generate the specified project files into the build directory:
cd build cmake ../OpenGLPrj/
Open the project files in the spedified IDE (Visual Studio, QtCreator, ...)
Open the cmake-gui
app. For the source folder select the OpenGLPrj
directory. For build directory choose an empty directory (for example, directory named build
at the same level as OpenGLPrj
. With both folders choosen, click Configure and if successfull procede to Generate the build files. A tutorial is given at: