Telegram Bot on Google Script, that add russian slanguage word "хуй" to any sending phrase (F.e. "озеро-хуезеро". It's not for rudeness, just for joke.) Text-transform logic it's not really interesting. What is actually matter - how simply make telegram Bot, for recieve/answer messages, synthes voice, even if you haven't got your own server.
You can see how bot works here
Technologies: Google Script App, Telegram Bot Api, Yandex Speechkit, multipart/form-data, webhook
To use it you need:
- Make your own bot and get bot-id; ,
- Create new Google Sheets document Open Tools->Script Editor and paste file from repository
- Change botID variable value to your botid;
- In Top menu choose Publish->Deploy As web app. In field "Who has access to the app" choose "Anyone, even anonymous". Click Publish. (more about web app
- Choose and run function "Setwebhook" in field "Select Function" (toolbar on top)
- If you don't need speech synthes, just comment calling of "sendAudio", otherwise go to Yandex Speechkit and get your access key;
Actually it's looks like Yandex don't like foreign languages and give access key on *.com domain only by email request, but in *.ru domain you just need to have email in Yandex))
About Google App Script: