Join us in a space yam to celebrate the path to a destiny of full community control with Ubeswap Celo DEX! A biopunk and organic Ubeswap themed NFT collection of sliced solar ubes and asteroids in outer space.
Made with love for the Ubeswap Destiny Hackathon sponsored by Ubeswap and Celo hosted by buidlbox and powered by Gitcoin.
Available on Ariswap NFT Marketplace can't wait to buy one
Please feel free to contact me at discord: ivanmolto#3768
An ube in the shape of a spaceship with sliced solar ubes around in a dark cyan galaxy with yellow stars in the background.
A DJ ube on top of a set of planet rings in a dark cyan galaxy.
Sliced solar ubes around a huge ube in a dark cyan galaxy with yellow stars in the background.
A green tail ube in a path to a decentralised control in a dark cyan galaxy.
A mutant ube clubbing with sliced solar ubes swapping around a dark cyan galaxy.
A space ube with sliced solar ube pairs in a liquid cyan galaxy.
A space ube with sliced ubes within a solar storm in a galaxy.
Space ube with a community of sliced solar ubes in a path to decentralisation in the galaxy.
A powerful and resilient ube with sliced solar ubes around it in a dark cyan galaxy.
A whale ube standing in the outer space with sliced solar ubes around it in a regen galaxy with green stars.
The genesis of decentralization is near and this space ube knows it.
A solar irradiant ube with solar ubes sliced in half in a dark cyan galaxy with white stars.