Creates an empty db. Regarding to the account access app saved public and private keys inside db. You can impoove that with helps some standart encryption.
Swagger: http://localhost:8091/swagger-ui.html
H2 DB: http://localhost:8091/h2
user can point app to the address of ethereum node inside: application.yml
. Currently this is
(for geth client)
port is related to the standart option —rpcport "8501"
One way - rinkeby test network.
for getting money to the rinkeby wallet you can use:
Money was transfered within 3 hours by net to my wallet because a lot of queries.
gateway -> geth node(on your server) -> main network.
Example of settings:
./geth —networkid=0 —datadir=rinkeby —cache=1024 —syncmode=light —rpc —rpcaddr "" —rpcport "8501" —rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3"