This program will allow you to merge all the titledb regions in one json file, like nut creates titles.json, but with added properties, like editions, versions and so on, also a sqlite database can be created and the file can be loaded to do queries faster.
- Download all regions from titledb github repo
- Merge All regions using a preferred region/language
- Add missing fields like otherApplicationId for Patches or DLC
- Add additional Editions where a title has multiple ids
- Ability to create a sqlite database
GROUP_CONCAT(c.Name, ', ') AS Categories
FROM Titles t
JOIN TitleCategory tc ON t.Id = tc.TitleId
JOIN Categories c ON tc.CategoryId = c.Id
WHERE t.ApplicationId = '0100000000010000'
GROUP BY t.TitleName;
SELECT rc.* FROM Titles t
JOIN TitleRatingContents tc ON t.Id = tc.TitleId
JOIN RatingContents rc ON tc.RatingContentId = rc.Id
WHERE t.ApplicationId = '01006A800016E000';
SELECT * from Titles t
WHERE t.OtherApplicationId = '01006A800016E000'
AND t.ContentType = 130;
SELECT l.* from Titles t
JOIN TitleLanguages tl on t.Id = tl.TitleId
JOIN Languages l on tl.LanguageId = l.Id
WHERE t.ApplicationId = '01006A800016E000';
SELECT t.ApplicationId, t.TitleName, t.ReleaseDate FROM Titles t
WHERE t.ContentType = 128
AND t.Region = 'US'
AND t.ReleaseDate <= date()
ORDER BY t.ReleaseDate DESC
❯ titledbConverter.exe download F:\titsconverter
Using default config base url
46 regions found.
Starting download of F:\titsconverter\versions.txt (2660353 bytes)
Download of F:\titsconverter\versions.txt completed!
cnmts.json ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00
versions.json ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00
ncas.json ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00
versions.txt ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00
BG.en.json ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00
❯ titledbConverter.exe merge F:\titsconverter -r US -l en
Missing save filename using default filename F:\titsconverter\titles.json
Loaded F:\titsconverter\languages.json in: 18.2237 ms
Loaded F:\titsconverter\versions.json in: 21.7806 ms
Loaded F:\titsconverter\cnmts.json in: 447.4255 ms
Loaded F:\titsconverter\ncas.json in: 706.8927 ms
Processing F:\titsconverter\US.en.json
Loaded F:\titsconverter\US.en.json in: 435.2929 ms
Adding 22042 titles from US-en region
Updating 0 titles from US-en region
Processing F:\titsconverter\
Loaded F:\titsconverter\ in: 344.1909 ms
Adding 1 titles from RU-ru region
Updating 16839 titles from RU-ru region
Titles Count: 47670
Base Titles: 18792
DLC Titles: 18239
Update Titles: 10639
Save to: F:\titsconverter\titles.json
Elapsed time: 35749.196 ms
"id": "0100000000010000",
"otherApplicationId": null,
"ids": null,
"nsuId": 70010000001130,
"name": "Super Awesome Game\u2122",
"version": "262144",
"isBase": true,
"isDlc": false,
"isUpdate": false,
"isDemo": false,
"patchCount": 4,
"dlcCount": 0,
"size": 6025117696,
"intro": "Embark on an adventure",
"bannerUrl": "",
"category": [
"description": "A big description here",
"developer": null,
"frontBoxArt": null,
"iconUrl": "",
"key": null,
"languages": [
"numberOfPlayers": 2,
"publisher": "Big Publisher",
"rating": 10,
"ratingContent": [
"Cartoon Violence",
"Comic Mischief"
"region": "US",
"language": "en",
"releaseDate": 20171027,
"rightsId": "01000000000100000000000000000003",
"screenshots": [
"editions": null,
"regions": [
"versions": [
"versionNumber": 65536,
"versionDate": "2017-10-26"
"versionNumber": 131072,
"versionDate": "2017-11-30"
"versionNumber": 196608,
"versionDate": "2018-02-22"
"versionNumber": 262144,
"versionDate": "2019-04-25"
"cnmts": [
"contentEntries": [
"buildId": "3CA12DFAAF9C82DA064D1698DF79CDA100000000000000000000000000000000",
"ncaId": "0f26bd42cae0e4cefda4b5bbf7ae3d50",
"type": 1
"MetaEntries": null,
"otherApplicationId": "0100000000010800",
"requiredApplicationVersion": 0,
"requiredSystemVersion": 201392128,
"titleId": "0100000000010000",
"titleType": 128,
"version": 0
"ncas": [
"ncaId": "0f26bd42cae0e4cefda4b5bbf7ae3d50",
"buildId": "3CA12DFAAF9C82DA064D1698DF79CDA100000000000000000000000000000000",
"contentIndex": 0,
"contentType": 0,
"cryptoType": 2,
"cryptoType2": 3,
"isGameCard": 0,
"keyIndex": 0,
"rightsId": "01000000000100000000000000000003",
"sdkVersion": 50659584,
"size": 5539168256,
"titleId": "0100000000010000"
and we can use jq
to query the json file and get some info out of it
jq '.[] | select(.isBase == true) | .id' titles.json | wc
18792 18792 357048
jq '.[] | select(.isDlc == true) | .id' titles.json | wc
18239 18239 346541
jq '.[] | select(.isBase == true and .name == null) | .id' titles.json | wc
jq '.[] | select(.isBase == true and (.version| type == "string" and tonumber == 0)) | .id' titles.json
jq '.[] | select(.editions | length > 0 ) | {id, name}' titles.json
"id": "0100FBD01884D002",
"name": "衣装 「AKIBA'S TRIP 文月瑠衣」"
"id": "0100FD70134FB003",
"name": "早期解鎖訓練項目──與夢幻的基鈕特戰隊隊員對戰!?"