ghexplorer is a terminal-based application written in Go that allows users to interactively explore GitHub profiles, repositories, and file contents. This tool provides a user-friendly interface to navigate through GitHub Profile without leaving your terminal.
- Profile Viewing: Enter a GitHub username to view basic profile information.
- Repository Listing: Browse through a user's repositories with descriptions.
- File Navigation: Explore repository contents, including folders and files.
- File Content Display: View the contents of files directly in the terminal.
- Repository Search: Search for specific repositories within a user's profile.
- Interactive Navigation: Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through different views.
- Color-Coded Display: Repositories, folders, and files are color-coded for easy identification.
- Scrollable File Content: Navigate through long file contents using scroll functionality.
- Text Selection and Copying: Select and copy file contents to your clipboard.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Go (version 1.16 or later)
- Git
Clone the repository:
git clone cd ghexplorer
Install the required dependencies:
go get go get go get go get -u go get ""
Build the application:
go build .
- Run the application:
- Start TUI with empty input
ghexplorer explore
- Start TUI with pre-filled username
ghexplorer explore USERNAME
- Repository information:
- Get repo info in text format
- Get repo info in JSON format
ghexplorer repo USERNAME REPOSITORY_NAME -f json
- Save repo info to file
ghexplorer repo USERNAME REPOSITORY_NAME -o repo.txt
- Search repositories:
- Search repos in text format
ghexplorer search USERNAME REPO_SEARCH
- Search repos in JSON format
ghexplorer search USERNAME REPO_SEARCH -f json
- Save search results to file
ghexplorer search USERNAME REPO_SEARCH -o search.txt
- Use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate:
- Arrow keys: Move cursor / Scroll file contents
- Enter: Select / Open
- Esc: Go back / Exit selection mode
- '/': Enter search mode (when viewing repositories)
- Ctrl+A: Select all (in file view)
- Ctrl+C: Copy selected text (in file view)
- Ctrl+D: Deselect all (in file view)
- PgUp/PgDown: Scroll file contents quickly
- 'q': Quit the application
You can make any customization regarding styles or colors used in the application by modifying the config.go
var (
repositoryStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("205"))
folderStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("33"))
fileStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("15"))
selectedStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Background(lipgloss.Color("25"))
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- Bubble Tea for the TUI framework
- Lip Gloss for terminal styling
- Clipboard for clipboard functionality
This application uses the GitHub API without authentication, which has rate limits. For a production application, consider implementing proper authentication using GitHub tokens to increase the rate limits and access private repositories if needed.