Vim wrapper for ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.
These commands are available in buffers with 'filetype'
of sh
:[range]ShellCheck[!] [args]
Run shellcheck
for the current buffer using optional [args]
and send any
errors to the quickfix-window. Specify a [range]
or use a visual selection
to check only those lines, otherwise the entire buffer is checked. Call with a
bang to automatically open the quickfix-window when errors are found.
:[range]LShellCheck[!] [args]
Run shellcheck
for the current buffer using optional [args]
and send any
errors to a location-list-window. Specify a [range]
or use a visual
selection to check only those lines, otherwise the entire buffer is checked.
Call with a bang to automatically open the location-list-window when errors
are found.
Open ShellCheck error definition on GitHub - gb
The gb
command can be used quickfix or location list windows to open the
ShellCheck error definition on GitHub. This command requires the Netrw plugin
to be installed. If Netrw is not installed, the gb
map prints the URL to the
ShellCheck error definition on GitHub instead. This functionality is enabled
when the window's w:quickfix_title
attribute starts with one of the
-- created bycompiler shellcheck | :make %
or some other program:ShellCheck
-- created by the:ShellCheck
-- created by the:LShellCheck
To disable this mapping:
let g:shellcheck_disable_mappings = 1
To setup a different map:
let g:shellcheck_disable_mappings = 1
autocmd FileType qf nmap <buffer> <silent> gB <Plug>(shellcheck-gb)
Note: The gb
map will not be defined if one already exists.
A ShellCheck :compiler
is provided by Vim 8.2.1769 and newer for use as a
. To use it, run:
:compiler shellcheck
:make! %
Specifies how the quickfix-window is opened when :ShellCheck!
is used. The
default value is "botright copen 10"
Specifies how the location-list-window is opened when :LShellCheck!
is used.
The default value is "lopen 10"
Use your favorite plugin manager, or use Vim's built-in package support:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/shellcheck/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/shellcheck/start
git clone
vim -u NONE -c "helptags vim-shellcheck/doc" -c q
MIT License - see LICENSE
in this repo.