Bulk download Ace of Spades map files and images from aos.party
npm install
node download.js
Tested on Node 10 on MacOS
By default, the downloader creates a folder for each map. With this flag enabled, all files are dumped into one folder,
which can be helpful for uploading to the AOS client.
Maps with the same name will have a version number appended to them by default.
For example: Orbix_v2
Enabling this flag will cause newer maps with the same name to overwrite the older version.
Prevents downloading map images. This can speed up the download significantly.
There's no command line options that support this, but you can change some global variables in the code to accomplish this.
You will also need to get the ID of the map(s) you want. You can find these in the URLs of maps on aos.party
For example, to download the map with ID 10:
to 10
to 1
to false
determines the number of maps that are downloaded simultaneously before moving to the next chunk.
You can try playing with this to speed up the download.