Calculate the 2nd order force constants using phonopy and LAMMPS.
Online manual:
- Command line interface (phonopy like style)
- Python API fully compatible with phonopy
- Use of official LAMMPS python interface
- Simple and easy to use
- New! Finite temperature force constants using DynaPhoPy
- python 2.7.x/3.x
- numpy
- phonopy (
- LAMMPS python interface (
- matplotlib
- seekpath (
- DynaPhoPy (
- Tinker testgrad (
- From source code
# python install --user --prefix=
- From PyPI repository
# pip install phonoLAMMPS --user
For convenience, you may want to copy (or link) the files inside scripts folder to a location included in $PATH environment variable
phonoLAMMPS has a similar interface to phonopy to allow to easily calculate the 2nd order force constants and generate the crystal unitcell from a LAMMPS input file in VASP/POSCAR format. All outputs are fully compatible and ready to use in phonopy calculations. Also features a quick preview of the phonon band structure (requires seekpath).
# phonolammps in.lammps --dim 2 2 2 -c POSCAR_unitcell -p
Additionally phonoLAMMPS allows to easily calculate finite temperature force constants from molecular dynamics by quasiparticle theory (requires dynaphopy).
# phonolammps in.lammps --dim 2 2 2 -c POSCAR_unitcell -p -t 300 (at 300 K)
The obtained FORCE_CONSTANTS and POSCAR_unitcell can be used in phonopy using --readfc option for more advanced calculations.
# phonopy --dim="2 2 2" --readfc -c POSCAR_unitcell band.conf
Simple python API fully compatible with phonopy.
from phonolammps import Phonolammps
from phonopy import Phonopy
phlammps = Phonolammps('in.lammps',
supercell_matrix=[[3, 0, 0],
[0, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 3]])
unitcell = phlammps.get_unitcell()
force_constants = phlammps.get_force_constants()
supercell_matrix = phlammps.get_supercell_matrix()
phonon = Phonopy(unitcell,
phonon.set_mesh([20, 20, 20])
Abel Carreras
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain)