This repo contains Julia code for simulating an ACT-R model of fatigue in the psychomotor vigalence test.
The following example illustrates how to generate simulated data from the model.
parms = (
υ = 4.0, # mean production utility
τ = 3.5, # production utility threshold
λ = .98, # micro-lapse utility decrement
γ = .04 # mean conflict resolution time
rts = rand(PVTModel(;parms...), 10_000)
There are two methods for installing the package. Option 1 is to install without version control. In the REPL, use ]
to switch to the package mode and enter the following:
Option 2 is to install via a custom registry. The advantage of this approach is greater version control through Julia's package management system. This entails two simple steps.
- Install the registry using the directions found here.
- Add the package by typing
into the REPL and then typing (or pasting):
I recommend adding the package to a project-specific environment and specifying version constraints in the Project.toml to ensure reproducibility. For an example, see the Project.toml file associated with this package.
More extensive documentation is planned for the future. In the meantime, you can view the docstrings in the REPL by entering ?
and typing the name of a function or type. For example:
help?> PVTModel
search: PVTModel
An ACT-R model of the psychomotor vigilance test.
• υ: mean production rule utility
• τ: production rule selection threshold
• λ: utility microlapse decrement
• γ: mean conflict resolution time
Gunzelmann, G., Gross, J. B., Gluck, K. A., & Dinges, D. F. (2009). Sleep deprivation and
sustained attention performance: Integrating mathematical and cognitive modeling. Cognitive
science, 33(5), 880-910.
Walsh, Matthew M., Glenn Gunzelmann, and Hans PA Van Dongen. "Computational cognitive
modeling of the temporal dynamics of fatigue from sleep loss." Psychonomic bulletin &
review 24 (2017): 1785-1807.
PVTModel(;υ, τ, λ, γ)
A constructor for the ACT-R PVT model.
• υ: mean production rule utility
• τ: production rule selection threshold
• λ: utility microlapse decrement
• γ: mean conflict resolution time
Gunzelmann, G., Gross, J. B., Gluck, K. A., & Dinges, D. F. (2009). Sleep deprivation and sustained attention performance: Integrating mathematical and cognitive modeling. Cognitive science, 33(5), 880-910.