Bellow are steps and setups you need to follow all features.
The basic goal of the project, is to reach clean, bugs free code.
Game has been developed using python OOP. The way to approach clean code with no (unaware dimensions) has been reach by writing unittest for classes used in project.
I am expecting you to have make installed
Have Make on your environment (in case you want to enter short command lines)
Check pip by running:
on mac:
pip3 --version
on win:
pip --version
and finally
To be able to try all features, it is preferred to create Virtual Environment.
To get advance of using make easily:
Open Makefile
On Windows:
- comment line 4 and uncommnet line 5
On Mac:
- comment line 5 and uncommnet line 4
Navigate into repo if you are a windows user, use always python insteade of python3
.venv is the name of the VE you are going to create
make venv
To activate it VE in mac:
. .venv/bin/activate
To activate it on windows:
. .venv/Scripts/activate
To deactivate it on both operating system:
Notice that if you are a windows user, use GIT-bash.
If you want to avoid creating VE. You may use command line mentioned in section bellow.
After activating enter the following command:
make install
check libs list
pip3 list
If the list does not have more that three lines. Then your installation faild.
You need to upgrade your pip using the following command
pip3 install pip --upgrade
pip if you are on windows
Notice that you enter another terminal, and you would not exit it unless you enter q or other exit commands.
You can always press ? or help to get the introductions within game terminal.
After you are done with the game, let us trying tests some code.
To run unittest and get the report about testing.
make coverage
To get a visual report about which lines have been covered and which not.
make html
A new folder is created htmlcov. You find the reports in it
Run flake8, code cleaner.
make flake8
Run code analysis.
make pylint
Run both tests.
make test
Create uml for whole the package.
make pyreverse
Follow doc/ where you can find separate subfolders, each include UMLs
You can read the Documentation from here
Also, you can create the documentation locally, navigate to dice_game/docs/ and enter
make html
And by now, the documentation for the project has been created to open it:
cd _build/html
you need to open index.html
If you are on windows:
start index.html
open index.html
If you do not have choco
Inside dice_game folder:
To test all module within the pachage:
coverage run -m unittest discover . “test_*.py”
Create report AFTER running tests:
coverage report -m
Create HTML report:
coverage html
Run flake8:
To run pylint on all file:
pylint *.py