Java SDK for developing applications which accept 18app vouchers (retails and stores)
To use the voucher verification service, the merchant must have one authentication certificate to be passed to the library to authenticate.The service "18app" can only be used by merchant with access credentials to "Servizi Telematici dell’Agenzia delle Entrate". Merchants must therefore register to the web application in order to sell their products.
This certificate X509 will be generated and downloadable in .cer format directly via the dedicated web application for traders, in an authenticated area. A certificate in PKCS12 format is provided for testing purpoeses.
Initialize the MerchantService and after certificate activation, verify that partitaIva code matches the user's one.
MerchantService service = new MerchantService();
String partitaIva = service.activateCertificate();
// Check partitaIva
CheckOnly Operation. Pass customer voucher code and get name of the customer. Use it to check the customer personal details
try {
CheckResponse response = service.checkOnlyOperation(voucherCode);
// Check personal details
String customerName = response.getNominativoBeneficiario();
} catch (CertificateException e){
// Problems with web service certificate
} catch (VoucherVerificationException vve){
if (vve.getId().equals(FaultCodes.WRONG_PARAMETERS)) {
// Handle wrong parameters
} else {
// Handle other FaultCodes ...
CheckAndFreeze Operation: freezes the voucher as long as necessary to carry out an availability check in stock or for other specific situations
CheckResponse response = service.checkAndFreezeOperation(voucherCode);
// e.g. Goods availability Check
double requiredAmount = getRequiredAmount();
ConfirmResponse confirmResponse = service.confirmOperation(codVoucher, requiredAmount);
Confirm Operation. To be called after CheckAndFreeze to confirm the consumption of all the voucher amount or only a part of the amount
ConfirmResponse response = service.confirmOperation(codVoucher, requiredAmount);
if(response.getEsito().equals(MerchantService.SUCCESS_CONFIRMATION)) {
// Success
} else {
// Failure
Run with the available test cases running the command:
mvn test
Please note that the library is configured for the test endpoint.
List of Contributors who participated in this project.
- Agosti Daniele
- Baglini Lorenzo
- Di Rienzo Francesco
- Rossi Lorenzo