Control used to show a search bar which can fetch your location as well as geocode a search string
iOS >= 9.x Swift 3.0
Just copy the PRGLocationSearchBar folder into your project
- Drag a UIView using interface builder and set it’s class to PRGLocationSearchBar
- You can programmatically add the search bar by using init(frame:) method.
func locationSearchBar(searchBar: PRGLocationSearchBar, didTapLocationButton: UIButton) {
print("Location Button Tapped")
func locationSearchBar(searchBar: PRGLocationSearchBar, didTapSearchButton: UIButton, withSearchString searchString: String) {
print("Search Button Tapped")
func locationSearchBar(searchBar: PRGLocationSearchBar, didFindLocationWith lat: Double, lon: Double, address: Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any>?) {
print(“COORDINATE\nLat: \(lat)\nLon:\(lon)”)
for key in address!.keys where address != nil {
print(“\(key): \(address![key]!)\n")
func locationSearchBar(searchBar: PRGLocationSearchBar, didEditSearchTextWith text: String) {
func locationSearchBar(searchBar: PRGLocationSearchBar, didStartEditingTextField textField: UITextField) {
print("Started editing search field")
func locationSearchBar(searchBar: PRGLocationSearchBar, didFailToFindLocationWith error: Error) {
PRGLocationSearchBar is available under the MIT license.