Repository of solutions for the Advent of Code 2021 done by ismtabo
As last year the language I will use Typescript with Deno. Check the repository of the Advent of Code 2020.
You may need to install deno to use this repository.
After installing it you can run the solutions using the cli tool:
$ deno run -A --unstable src/cli/mod.ts -h
Usage: aoc2021
Version: v0.1.0
Solutions for Advent of Code 2021.
-h, --help - Show this help.
-V, --version - Show the version number for this program.
run - Run day solution
run-all - Run multiple day solution
new - Create new day solution folder skeleton
The solutions can be run with the run
$ deno run -A --unstable src/cli/mod.ts run -h
Usage: aoc2021 run
Version: v0.1.0
Run day solution
-h, --help - Show this help.
-d, --day <day:number> - Day to run
-p, --part <part:number> - Part of the day solution to run. (Default: 1)
-a, --all-parts - Execute both parts. If present part option will be ignore.
-t, --time - Show spent time
-f, --file <file:string> - Input file. If missing, the day input file is used instead.
--sample - Run day using sample input instead of day input file. (conflicts: file)
--format <format:string> - Output format. (Default: "plain")
Also, to run all the solutions you can use run-all
$ deno run -A --unstable src/cli/mod.ts run-all -h
Usage: aoc2021 run-all
Version: v0.1.0
Run multiple day solution
-h, --help - Show this help.
-p, --part <part:number> - Part of the day solution to run. (Default: 1)
-a, --all-parts - Execute both parts. If present part option will be ignore.
-t, --time - Show spent time
--sample - Run day using sample input instead of day input file.
--format <format:string> - Output format. (Default: "plain")
Some of the day solutions have unit tests. To run them use deno built-in test runner:
$ deno test [OPTIONS] [file]
Some of the test need --allow-read
to read the sample inputs of its day.
Using deno built-in bundler, you can bundle the problems module into a js module:
$ deno bundle [OPTIONS] <source_file> [out_file]
To bundle the solutions module the <source_file>
need to be
The source code of the repository is inside the src
/ src
├- app: TBD
├-/ cli: Module of the cli tool to run problems and more
└-/ solutions: Module of solutions
/ cli
├- template: Templates for day solution generation
├- mod.ts: Main module of the cli tool
├- type.d.ts: Types used in the cli tool
└- [...]: other stuff
Each day solution has the following structure:
/ dayX
├-/ {partOne,partTwo}: Modules of parts one and two
| ├- mod.ts: Main module of the part solution
| ├- [test.ts]: Test of the part solution
| ├- [type.d.ts]: Types of the part solution
| └- [...]: other stuff
| ...
├- mod.ts: Main module of the day solution
├- sample.txt: Sample input case
├- input.txt: Day input case
├- [type.d.ts]: Types used in both parts
└- [...]: other stuff
The main module exports two functions main
and preprocess
to run the
solution parts and preprocess the input respectively. Each part module exports a
function partXxx
with its name in addition to other possible issues.
- Typescript - Language used
- Deno - Runtime for Javascript and Typescript
- Cliffy - Command line framework for Deno
- Ismael Taboada - Frontend developer - @ismtabo
This repository is under MIT License - look up LICENSE for more details