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ismoilovdevml committed Sep 7, 2024
1 parent a2aeb33 commit c05ef97
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 4 deletions.
104 changes: 100 additions & 4 deletions Kubernetes/rke2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,15 +152,34 @@ sudo mv kube-vip.yaml /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/kube-vip.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"

# Find/Replace all k3s entries to represent rke2
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Modifying kube-vip manifest to use RKE2...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
sudo sed -i 's/k3s/rke2/g' /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/kube-vip.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"
# copy kube-vip.yaml to home directory
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Copying kube-vip manifest to the home directory...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
sudo cp /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/kube-vip.yaml ~/kube-vip.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"
# change owner
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Changing ownership of kube-vip.yaml...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
sudo chown $user:$user kube-vip.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"
# make kube folder to run kubectl later
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Creating .kube directory for kubectl...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
mkdir ~/.kube
echo -e "${NC}"

# create the rke2 config file
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Creating RKE2 config directory and config.yaml file...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
sudo mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2
touch config.yaml
echo "tls-san:" >> config.yaml
Expand All @@ -171,21 +190,38 @@ echo " - $master3" >> config.yaml
echo "write-kubeconfig-mode: 0644" >> config.yaml
echo "disable:" >> config.yaml
echo " - rke2-ingress-nginx" >> config.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"
# copy config.yaml to rancher directory
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Copying config.yaml to /etc/rancher/rke2 directory...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
sudo cp ~/config.yaml /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"

# update path with rke2-binaries
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Configuring environment variables and kubectl alias...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
echo 'export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml' >> ~/.bashrc ; echo 'export PATH=${PATH}:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin' >> ~/.bashrc ; echo 'alias k=kubectl' >> ~/.bashrc ; source ~/.bashrc ;
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 2: Copy kube-vip.yaml and certs to all masters
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Copying kube-vip.yaml, config.yaml, and SSH keys to all master nodes...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
for newnode in "${allmasters[@]}"; do
scp -i ~/.ssh/$certName $HOME/kube-vip.yaml $user@$newnode:~/kube-vip.yaml
scp -i ~/.ssh/$certName $HOME/config.yaml $user@$newnode:~/config.yaml
scp -i ~/.ssh/$certName ~/.ssh/{$certName,$} $user@$newnode:~/.ssh
echo -e " \033[32;5mCopied successfully!\033[0m"
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 3: Connect to Master1 and move kube-vip.yaml and config.yaml. Then install RKE2, copy token back to admin machine. We then use the token to bootstrap additional masternodes

echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Connecting to Master1, installing RKE2, and copying token...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
ssh -tt $user@$master1 -i ~/.ssh/$certName sudo su <<EOF
mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests
mv kube-vip.yaml /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/manifests/kube-vip.yaml
Expand All @@ -202,20 +238,32 @@ scp -i /home/$user/.ssh/$certName /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml $user@$admin:~/.ku
echo -e " \033[32;5mMaster1 Completed\033[0m"
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 4: Set variable to the token we just extracted, set kube config location
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Configuring kubeconfig and updating Master1 IP...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
token=`cat token`
sudo cat ~/.kube/rke2.yaml | sed 's/'$master1'/g' > $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/config
sudo cp ~/.kube/config /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get nodes -o wide
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 5: Install kube-vip as network LoadBalancer - Install the kube-vip Cloud Provider
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Applying Kube-Vip RBAC and cloud controller manifests...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 6: Add other Masternodes, note we import the token we extracted from step 3
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Adding additional master nodes to the RKE2 cluster...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
for newnode in "${masters[@]}"; do
ssh -tt $user@$newnode -i ~/.ssh/$certName sudo su <<EOF
mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2
Expand All @@ -234,10 +282,18 @@ for newnode in "${masters[@]}"; do
echo -e " \033[32;5mMaster node joined successfully!\033[0m"
echo -e "${NC}"

kubectl get nodes
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Checking the status of all nodes in the RKE2 cluster...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
kubectl get nodes -o wide
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 7: Add Workers
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Adding worker nodes to the RKE2 cluster...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
for newnode in "${workers[@]}"; do
ssh -tt $user@$newnode -i ~/.ssh/$certName sudo su <<EOF
mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2
Expand All @@ -254,38 +310,69 @@ for newnode in "${workers[@]}"; do
echo -e " \033[32;5mWorker node joined successfully!\033[0m"
echo -e "${NC}"

kubectl get nodes
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Checking the status of all nodes in the RKE2 cluster...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
kubectl get nodes -o wide
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 8: Install Metallb
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Deploying MetalLB to the RKE2 cluster...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
echo -e " \033[32;5mDeploying Metallb\033[0m"
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
echo -e "${NC}"

# Download ipAddressPool and configure using lbrange above
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Downloading and configuring the MetalLB IP Address Pool...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
curl -sO
cat ipAddressPool | sed 's/$lbrange/'$lbrange'/g' > $HOME/ipAddressPool.yaml
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 9: Deploy IP Pools and l2Advertisement
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Waiting for MetalLB controller to be ready and configuring IP Address Pool and Layer 2 Advertisement...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
echo -e " \033[32;5mAdding IP Pools, waiting for Metallb to be available first. This can take a long time as we're likely being rate limited for container pulls...\033[0m"
kubectl wait --namespace metallb-system \
--for=condition=ready pod \
--selector=component=controller \
kubectl apply -f ipAddressPool.yaml
kubectl apply -f
echo -e "${NC}"

# Step 10: Install Rancher (Optional - Delete if not required)
#Install Helm
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Downloading and installing Helm...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
echo -e " \033[32;5mInstalling Helm\033[0m"
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
echo -e "${NC}"

# Add Rancher Helm Repo & create namespace
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Adding Rancher Helm repository and creating cattle-system namespace...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
helm repo add rancher-latest
kubectl create namespace cattle-system
echo -e "${NC}"

# Install Cert-Manager
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Installing cert-manager and applying CRDs...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
echo -e " \033[32;5mDeploying Cert-Manager\033[0m"
kubectl apply -f
helm repo add jetstack
Expand All @@ -295,17 +382,25 @@ helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.13.2
kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
echo -e "${NC}"

# Install Rancher
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Deploying Rancher to the RKE2 cluster...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
echo -e " \033[32;5mDeploying Rancher\033[0m"
helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set \
--set bootstrapPassword=admin
kubectl -n cattle-system rollout status deploy/rancher
kubectl -n cattle-system get deploy rancher
echo -e "${NC}"

# Add Rancher LoadBalancer
echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_GREEN}Exposing Rancher as a LoadBalancer service...${NC}"
echo -e "${LIGHT_BLUE}"
kubectl get svc -n cattle-system
kubectl expose deployment rancher --name=rancher-lb --port=443 --type=LoadBalancer -n cattle-system
while [[ $(kubectl get svc -n cattle-system 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.type=="Pending")].status}') = "True" ]]; do
Expand All @@ -314,4 +409,5 @@ while [[ $(kubectl get svc -n cattle-system 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.t
kubectl get svc -n cattle-system

echo -e " \033[32;5mAccess Rancher from the IP above - Password is admin!\033[0m"
echo -e " \033[32;5mAccess Rancher from the IP above - Password is admin!\033[0m"
echo -e "${NC}"

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