▪ Unzip the folder containing the source files [source_files.zip]
▪ Load the project from the folder named ‘FinalProject’
▪ Run the ‘src/FinalProject_SourceFiles/ThreadedGuiForPhysicsEngine.java’ class [It contains the main() method]
▪ Unzip the folder containing the source files [source_files.zip]
▪ Navigate to the ‘FinalProject’ folder as the working directory
▪ Compile the source files using the following command:
javac -cp lib/jbox2d-library- -d classes src/FinalProject_SourceFiles/*.java
▪ Create an executable jar file using the following command:
jar cfm Spin.jar manifest.text -C classes FinalProject_SourceFiles
▪ Run the executable .jar file using the following command:
java -jar Spin.jar
▪ Main-Class: /src/FinalProject_SourceFiles/ThreadedGuiForPhysicsEngine
▪ Class-Path: lib/jbox2d-library-
▪ ‘Spin.jar’ can be directly run from the command line using the following command:
java -jar Spin.jar