Made a flower using Bezier curves in C++ using OpenGL.
- Install the following packages from the ubuntu repository:
- freeglut3-dev
- mesa-common-dev
- You will have to use the -lglut linker option with gcc/g++ to compile a program with glut library.
- For example, to compile the program cube.c that uses GLUT type, use
- gcc -o cube cube.c -lglut -lGLU
- to get the binary executable cube.
If you are not using GLUT and want to use the lower level libraries then use -lGL -lGLU also in the linker options.
sudo apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
Check your /usr/include/GL folder to verify the installation of the openGL headers that you intend to use.
- opengl32.lib
- glu32.lib
- gl.h
- glu.h
- These are usually provided by the manufacturer of your display adapter. The following files will also be needed for using GLUT
- glut32.dll
- glut32.lib
- glut.h
- Download GLUT. Unzip and copy glut32.dll to C:\Windows\system32
- Note:The code given works in ubuntu.To run it in Windows, add a header file #include<windows.h>
Clone the repository. git clone
Open terminal and follow following commands: