This is a restaurant Management System website project. From this project, the stakeholders (Internal stakeholder: project team, restaurant manager and External stakeholder: customer) will be benefited in real life. How customers and admin can use website interface to create account, see menu, place order, reserve time slot in restaurant through online and admin can see the information of users, customized menu is explained in detail.
REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS: Our project satisfies these requirements.
• Signup, Sign In, Logout function,
• Seeing Menu function,
• Place Order function,
• Reservation function,
• Admin Customize (insert, delete, update) Menu function
• Seeing Customer information function, All order information function, Reservation information function.
• Signup, sign in, logout is successful or not,
• Customer can place order after seeing menu and see a confirmation massage effectively or not,
• Customer can see what he/she has ordered,
• Customer can see their reserve information table fruitfully or not.