Hello! Thanks for testing out my program.
Here are some sample program executions -
- TCP packet analysis
$ make program file=new_tcp_packet1.bin
# run program with sample tcp packet (.bin format) - UDP packet analysis
$ make program file=new_udp_packet1.bin
# run program with sample udp packet (.bin format) - ICMP packet analysis
$ make program file=new_icmp_packet2.bin
# run program with sample icmp packet(.bin format)
$ rm -rf classes ||:
# remove the classes directory if it exists$ mkdir -p classes && cp -n *.bin classes/
# create a clean 'classes' directory and copy all .bin file to it$ javac -d classes Main.java
# compile the program and copy all .class files to 'class' directory$ cd classes && java Main <filename.bin> && cd ..
# change directory to 'classes' and run the program
1. new_tcp_packet1.bin
2. new_udp_packet1.bin
3 new_icmp_packet2.bin
1. Your packet dump should be in .bin format
1. Copy your file to the project working directory (This is the same directory as the file 'Makefile')
2. Run the make program as follows -
`$ make program file=<my_new_file.bin>`
Ishan Guliani @ishanguliani : ig5859@rit.edu