This plugin can upload image fro clipboard or from file system (still developing). Although there are similar plugins like nvim-picgo or coc-picgo, there are either not campatible with latest picgo or already lost maintainance.
For now, this plugin only support linux, both wayland and x11.
- picgo-core
- xclip (for x11)
- wl-clipboard (for wayland)
use dein:
call dein#add('Corona09/picgo.nvim')
" or
nnoremap YOUR_KEY :UploadImageFromClipboard <CR>
After image was uploaded, you can also press p
to insert its url.
" picgo#image_cdoe_template is an array of string
" the plugin will replace ${url} with image url returned by picgo
" the default value is as [ '' ]
let g:picgo#image_code_template = [ '' ]
" if you do not want to insert code after uploading
" you can set g:picgo#insert_image_code to 0
" default value : 0
let g:picgo#insert_image_code = 1
" set to 0 to disable warning for picgo/xclip/wl-clipboard
" default value: 1
let g:picgo#show_warning = 0
- Cannot upload from clipboard while copy image from nautilus
- Upload from file system.
- Optimize action of inserting image code.
- Add doc.
- Multiple config.