WANT is a demo solution to translate news from English to Portuguese using IBM Watson Translation.
- Run the app;
- Select an article;
- read the original article;
- select translated and voilà!;
- select original to go back to original text.
Simple as that! Do you not believe? See bellow!
- It was written in Objective C;
- It uses MVVM as a software architectural pattern;
- It uses AutoLayout for a responsive user interface;
- Unit Tests;
- UI Tests;.
The app was developed and tested with:
- XCode 7.1.1 and XCode 7.2.1;
- iOS 9 Simulator;
- OS X El Capitan 10.11.1;
- CocoaPods 0.39.0.
The iOS app connects to backend application that was built with Node.js and is hosted on Bluemix and rely on:
- Watson Translation services for translation;
- Cloudant NoSQL DB services for caching;
- The Guardian APIs for news content.
You can take a look at server code here.
In AppSetup.m
[self useStubs:NO];
[self useStubs:YES];
- Improve HTML to plain text parser;
- Support to other languages;
- Local caching.