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exercise browser js

Miguel Gamboa edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 1 revision

Introduction to the development of browser based applications

Document and scripts loading

  • Start by installing serve as a way to easily serve files from a local folder via the HTTP protocol.

    • npm install --global serve

  • Create an empty folder and add an HTML file named index.html to it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h1 id="main-heading">Hello World</h1>
  • Start serve on the created folder

    • E.g. serve .

  • Open the browser in http://localhost:3000 (confirm port on the information produced by serve).

    • Observe result in browser.

    • Open the browser’s development tools and observe the network requests.

    • Notice how a GET to / returns the content of index.html in the response message body.

    • Rename the HTML file to index2.html and see the result in the browser.

      • Notice how the index.html has a special meaning to the server. What is this "special meaning"?

      • Does it have a special meaning to the browser?

    • Rename the HTML file back to index.html.

  • Change the address to http://localhost:3000/index.html and observe the result.

  • Create a file s1.js with

console.log("I'm s1")
const mainHeading = document.getElementById("main-heading")
const something = "hello"
  • Add <script src="s1.js"></script> to the HTML file head element.

    • Observe the result in the console.

    • What is document?

    • What does document.getElementById("main-heading") do?

    • Why is console.log(mainHeading) presenting null?

  • Create a file s2.js with

console.log("I'm s2")
const something = "world"
  • Add <script src="s2.js"></script> to the HTML file head element.

    • Observe the result of reloading the HTML document.

    • Why is there an error in the console?

  • Add the attribute type="module" to the script element for s1.js.

    • What is the value presented for console.log(mainHeading)?

    • Does the previous error still exists? Why?

Javascript modules

  • Create a file add.js with

console.log("Look, I'm running in a browser")
export function add(x,y){
    return x + y;
  • Add <script src="add.js"></script> to the HTML file head element.

    • Observe the error in the console.

    • Remove add.js from index.html.

  • Add the following to the beginning of both s1.js and s2.js

import { add } from './add.js'
  • Make sure that the loading of s1.js has the "module" type and the loading of s2.js does not.

  • What is the error occurring during the document loading and why does it happen?

  • Add the "module" type to the loading of s2.js.

  • Observe the output in the console.

    • Is the error still occurring?

    • Is the result of the call to add being shown correctly?

    • How many times is Look, I’m running in a browser presented?

  • Observe all HTTP requests made by the browser?

    • How many HTTP requests would there be if the application used N modules?