APICan is API store management software to support the operations of the Canada API store https://api.canada.ca/en/homepage, a service provided and maintained by ISED. The Canada API store is the main hub for rest APIs, both public and internal to GoC. Each participating department is a 'tenant' and publishes and manages its APIs through the ISED API store. Each tenant is associated with a 3Scale account.
APICan interacts with the following connected systems:
- Jira (Atlassian) for support requests
- keyCloak for authentication
- 3Scale for tenant management
- The canada API store, hosted on a drupal platform
It provides various tools to api store administrators within and outside ISED that facilitate the management of the Canada API store with respect to its various components, including:
- its users
- its tenants
- its services
- Front-end:
- js code compiles with browserify into public/javascripts/bundle.js
- js code for front-end is in ./src/client, uses jquery and a other front-end libraries (see ./view/partials/head/jsLibraries)
- template engine is handlebars, templates are stored in ./views
- Back-end:
- uses an express stack
- uses keycloak authentication
does not store any user information
- only accepts requests from whitelisted ips
Code tree:
- httpServer
- routingSystem src/client
- main.js src/common
- appFeatures
- appStatus src/security src/errors