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Fully responsive react banner for websites. It is useful when you want to show important message to your website visitors such as product updates announcement, upcoming event announcement etc.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide Build Status

A small react component `FlexBanner` to help you . Built with ❤︎ by Amrish Kushwaha

flexBanner example video


npm install --save flex-banner


yarn add flex-banner


import * as React from "react";

import FlexBanner from "flex-banner";

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        title="Fully responsive react banner for websites"
        ctaTitle="Learn More"

Usage with Optional Properties

This example includes optional property in the component:

ctaTitle - Title of Call To Action (CTA).

isCenter - To make banner title and link center aligned.

crossIconSize - To define, font size of cross Icons.

animationTime - To define, sliding { SlideDown and SlideUp } time of banner.

delayToShowBanner - Delay in showing up banner.

daysToLive - No of days cookie will live before banner is shown up.

wrapperStyle - style object for styling of the wrapper

mainStyleTitle - style object for styling of the title of banner. If ctaTitle property is not defined, then this will defined the styling of link.

mainStyleLink - style object for styling of the CTA of banner.

crossStyle - style object for styling of the crossIcon. The font size of cross icon can only be defined by crossIconSize property.

hidePermanentlyOnDate - To hide banner permanently on a specific date / datetime


Property Type Required Default value Description
title string yes the title of the banner
ctaLink string yes url for the call to action
ctaTitle string no The title for call to action. It is not required if you want to use title as title of call to action
isCenter boolean no true Make center aligned the banner with value true otherwise left aligned using value false
crossIconSize number no 22 size of crossIcon in px. Set its value to 0 if you don't want to add crossIcon.
animationTime number no 1 animationTime is in seconds. It's sliding time for banner. For no animation, set value to 0.
delayToShowBanner number no 2 delayToShowBanner is in seconds. It's the time a user has to keep the page open before the banner is shown. For no delay, set value to 0
daysToLive number no 0 A property specifying the number of days the cookie will live before the banner is shown again to a user. The default is 0, it means that banner will show up every time user refresh the page or hit the page url.
wrapperStyle object no style object for styling of the wrapper
mainStyleTitle object no style object for styling of title
mainStyleLink object no style object for styling of Call To Action link
crossStyle object no style object for styling cross Icon - such as color etc. Note - font size property will be set only by crossIconSize property.

| hidePermanentlyOnDate | Date | no | | To hide banner permanently on a specific date / datetime property. |

Example with CTA title

import * as React from "react";

import FlexBanner from "flex-banner";

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        title="Fully responsive react banner for websites"
        ctaTitle="Learn More"
        wrapperStyle={{ backgroundColor: "lightblue" }}
        mainStyleTitle={{ color: "black" }}
        mainStyleLink={{ color: "red" }}
        crossStyle={{ color: "red" }}


flex-banner optional values

Example without CTA title

import * as React from "react";

import FlexBanner from "flex-banner";

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        title="Fully responsive react banner for websites"
        wrapperStyle={{ backgroundColor: "lightblue" }}
        mainStyleTitle={{ color: "green" }}
        mainStyleLink={{ color: "blue" }} // this will not work
        crossStyle={{ color: "red" }}


flex-banner optional value without cta title

Responsive View of FlexBanner

The banner will be shown top regardless of screen.

flexBanner example video


MIT © isamrish