This is a JavaScript overtime calculator that allows you to calculate the payment for employees based on their overtime hours worked. The employee data is retrieved from a JSON file.
The overtime calculator has the following features:
- Allows you to search for employees by their CPF and display their data.
- Calculates the overtime pay based on the selected option (100% or 50%).
- Displays the employee's name, regular hours worked, salary, hourly rate, and overtime pay.
**Make sure you are using a valid CPF in the JSON FILE.
Clone or download this repository.
Open the
file in your web browser. -
Enter the employee's CPF in the input field.
Select the type of overtime hours (100% or 50%) from the dropdown menu.
Enter the number of overtime hours in the corresponding input field.
Click the "Search" button to search for the employee and display the data.
The Overtime Calculator application is deployed and accessible at the following link: OverTime Calculator Deployment
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Over time project, feel free to contact me:
- Name: Isabela Ferreira Da Silva
- Email:
- Discord Username: isabelaffarago#7754
I would like to express my special thanks to Pedro Correa Sampaio for their valuable contributions to the codebase and their assistance in improving the functionality and accuracy of the overtime calculator.