Homepage: Two buttons:Teacher, student
login, signup: only for student, for teacher hardcode, proile pic
Teachers dashbarod: homepage: Create game form: Game name, game id(auto generate), X value, O value, Empty value, question select (list), addition & multiplication Game list: show all the games created, delete option, on click=>game details Game details: details, list of student who played, how times played, win percentage,
Student dashbaord: homepage: student name, profile pic List of games: choose one to play Play game: XO map, top: player 1 & computer (random), assign X O radom, Question page: left side: that grid, ask a question, take the number answer: Results: they won or lost List of games played with results
Types of questions:
- sum of 1st row, 2nd, 3rd, cols, both diagols, entire grid
Gid(auto increament) | Game Name | X-value | O-value | Empty-Value | Question Type | Type | Win% ----- Table Games
Sid(auto increament) | Name | Pass | Win% ---- Table Students
Gid | Sid | Result ---- Table gamesPlayed