Quasar Vue component for managing Steem beneficiaries
This Quasar based Vue component will allow your users to add and remove beneficiaries before submitting a new post on the Steem blockchain.
This component was originally developed by @irelandscape for StemQ, a question and answer dapp similar to Quora dedicated to Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and rewarding contributors with Steem cryptocurrency.
The component provides a button for managing beneficiaries:
Once clicked, the button opens a dialog (QDialog) which allows the user to input beneficiary usernames and amounts expressed in percentage (in 5% steps):
The component stores the information in a json string suitable for insertion into a Steem broadcast operation (see below).
Install the component into your Node.js project:
npm install --save qv-steem-beneficiaries
In your component, import the Beneficiaries component as follows:
import Beneficiaries from 'qv-steem-beneficiaries'
Insert the component into your template and bind a data variable using v-model:
The beneficiaries data can then be inserted into your broadcast operation as follows:
let operations = []
const params = {
parent_author: ...,
parent_permlink: ...
operations.push(['comment', params])
let commentOptionsConfig = {
extensions: []
if (this.beneficiaries.length) {
beneficiaries: this.beneficiaries
operations.push(['comment_options', commentOptionsConfig])
vue.$store.getters['steem/client'].broadcast(operations).then(() => {
The following code snippet gives you an indication of those properties that can be set from your application:
props: {
steemApiUrl: {
type: String,
default: 'https://api.steemit.com'
buttonColor: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
dialogButtonsColor: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
knobColor: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
This component relies on the following packages to be installed in your app:
- Quasar: make sure to add the QDialog, QBtn, QIcon, QInput, QKnob
- dsteem
- debounce
- vue-i18n: not strictly essential, but will allow you to provide your own string locales if you include it.
For help, join the StemQ Discord Server