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Ehsan Abbasi edited this page Jun 3, 2017 · 22 revisions
Name Type Required Description
timezone string Yes Time zone of the framework. Default value: Australia/Melbourne
oAuthToken string Yes OAuth Access Token
botUserToken string No Bot User OAuth Access Token
botUserId string Yes Bot id
botUsername string No Bot username
verificationToken string Yes The token to verify that the requests come from Slack. It can be found at here
logger array No Includes logger configurations
iconURL string No Bot image URL
asUser boolean No Whether the bot responds as a user or not
defaultCommand string Yes Default command if no command has been specified in the message
commandPrefix string Yes Command prefix. Default value: /
listener string Yes Type of the listener for Slack requests. Possible values: slashCommand, event. Find more at here
clientId string Yes App credential: client id - This is required for Event listeners and can be found here
clientSecret string Yes App credential: client secret - This is required for Event listeners and can be found at
scopes array Yes App credential: permission scopes - This is required for Event listeners and can be found at
appId string Yes The unique identifier for the application. This is required for Event listeners and can be found at and your app url
accessControlEnabled boolean Yes Whether access control is enabled or not
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